The players of Halo Infinite is it so learning to put aside their differences and communicate in one of the most sacred languages of the world: the most famous dishonorable dance in video games, also known as Teabag Dancing.

On a clip posted by Reddit user Local_Floridian (shared and Twitter by Washington Post game reporter Gene Park), the player can be seen exchanging weapons with an enemy player during a match. While we normally recommend a more cautious approach when fraternizing with the enemy, it seems this reckless soldier was able to communicate through the power of dishonorable dance to successfully facilitate an exchange of weapons with an opposing Spartan.

After a tense process of repeatedly bending over, which in a way resembled a mating ritual Of animals that can be found in a nature documentary, both players were happy to put down and exchange their weapons in a short period of ceasefire. Although Local_Floridian had a reliable battle rifle, walked away with a gravity hammer and all parties seemed satisfied.

While non-verbal communication with enemy players in the form of dances will often cause quite a stir, We applaud anyone who has the guts to negotiate.

Although the exchange of dances is perhaps not the most serious news of the game in recent times, it offers a positive outlook to compared to reports that have emerged recently about the game. In them, various players detail the cheaters who enter multiplayer.

While players have expressed their frustrations about cheating in the game343 Community Manager John Junyszek explained that the developer had “anticipated” the issue, as well as adopting a “anti-cheat approach throughout the game” to minimize the number of offenders who flock to the game.

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